What Is This Blog For?
When I made this blog back in April of 2022, I just used it for random rants, and that is still what I intend to use it for. However, posting on it was a pain as the old one used Docsify. Wasn't a problem with Docsify though, as the name implies, its for documentation, not blogs. You can see the old implementation here. At one point I even talked about switching to Ghost in a post, and decided not to. Later down the line, on the 27th of October 2023, I decided to switch to Ghost. No regrets.
Regardless, my intent with this blog can be broken down into 3 main purposes:
- Rants
- Search engine optimized short posts (more explanation below)
- Things I found interesting enough to talk about
I'd like to immediately address the second item of the SEO posts. I write some posts with the intent of them showing up when you search something. As an example, take following article:

This is obviously pushes on the keywords you might search trying to figure out this problem.
Why I did this? I couldn't find any reasonable results when I was trying to figure this out. So I went ahead and fixed that.

I also made a longer format blog post about it, without the SEO optimizations to boost it to the top of search. However, I made them separate so the SEO optimized one will be straight to the point with extra details linking to official support articles, which is how I like my answers.

This is the other article I made addressing this point, without the SEO optimizations, so I put some more content or "fluff" in it knowing someone probably isn't gonna be skimming this for an answer.

As for rants, at the time of writing, the Optane rant is probably my favorite.

And for the last category, its kinda just a catch all.
But that's about it!