(Legally) Getting PlotSquared for Free
Explaining how to get PlotSquared for free by building it from source

I like to help people host small servers, often for free for small friend groups. To me at least, it doesn't make sense to pay the €15 for small servers. (PlotSquared can be purchased on Spigot)
If you are hosting medium to larger sized servers and can afford it, you totally should support the software you use!
Regardless, the choice is up to you. This also allows you to use bleeding edge git builds.
- Java JDK 17 or higher
- FastAsyncWorldEdit plugin installed on the MC server
- Git
First, you should git clone the repository using the following command:git clone
This will download the repository from GitHub, which you should then cd
into or open.
If you are on Windows
run .\gradlew.bat build
within the directory
If you are on a Unix-based system
run ./gradlew build
within the directory
After running the build command, the PlotSquared jar should be placed in Bukkit/build/libs/plotsquared-bukkit-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT.jar
or some variant.
Note there will be two other files, ending in -javadoc.jar
and -sources.jar
You do not need either of these.
You can then move the plotsquared-bukkit-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT.jar
into your Minecraft server's plugin folder.
Keep in mind, as indicated by SNAPSHOT
these are development builds, which you should not expect official support for, especially if you have not bought the paid version.
However, the wiki is free and available for all at https://intellectualsites.gitbook.io/plotsquared/

/plotsquared plugin