I Pirated a Movie I Bought. And You Should Too.
I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable.
Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.
— Marvin Heemeyer
This first started when I went to buy an HD movie. Hitman: Agent 47 to be specific. I love the Hitman series. I've bought and played them all on Epic Games.
The movie trailer, in case you are interested.
Regardless, I bought the movie. I paid the extra to own it forever too!

So now, with my freshly purchased movie, I go to watch it. Except uh-oh... what's this?

Mildly peeved, I go looking in Google's support forums. According to this support article, watching legally purchased movies in full HD is only available on specific devices, of which, browser on PC is not one such device.

Sure, I have the resources to watch it "correctly"... I have an iPhone, an Android TV, Chromecast, Xbox One, Roku, all of that good stuff. Hell, I have a multi-thousand dollar home theater. But that's besides the point – I wanted to watch this on my PC with a friend over Discord. I cannot do that, as my PC has not been graced by HDCP.
At this point, I just want a damned MP4. So, I went and torrented it. And guess what? It just worked. Why is it that a paying customer is having a worse experience than someone who has pirated. I just did both. I have the money to buy and support the creator, but it's so hard to do the right thing here.
I'm not stupid. I know this is in place to prevent pirating. I understand the movie industry suffers from piracy at times. As I have said numerous times before, I would pay, and in this case I did pay before I pirated it. The big problem here, is that piracy just offers a better experience than buying. Money has nothing to do with it.
I highly suggest watching Louis Rossmann's video on this entire topic. this isn't limited to just YouTube movies.
Louis Rossmann sums up my frustration in a much better way than I ever could.
I wanted to do the right thing. I can't promise I'll buy every movie prior to pirating like I did here though. I learned my lesson here.