First Entry!

Today is April 3rd. I am setting up this blog to keep a log of some cool things I do I guess- well not really cool but IDK.

I've been in the psychiatric hospital since Monday, and I'm supposed to be discharged tomorrow. Cannot wait to go home!

From what I've heard Psychiatric hospitals are awful, but I've had a pretty good experience here. It's quiet at night and the staff are amazing.
Most importantly, I'm allowed to use my phone and laptop. There are certainly some specific rules, like I can only use the laptop in the
interview room, and I can only use my phone in the common room. they have to charge it for me as well. most of the day here is free time, which
I wasn't expecting. I find the anti suicide measures here interesting, for example, the hooks here if you put too much weight on them they slide
all the doors are controlled by electronic locks and the bathroom doors are kinda like gymnastic mats. The door handles here are actually
over $1000 each at the time of writing! The shower here is controlled by a single button (It seems to be
capacitive possibly) but you cannot control the temperature. The shower was generally too hot. The meals were pretty good for commercial/bulk meals.
Pizza night was pretty good.

There are some downsides here however. Mainly, I have to use my laptop Only in the interview room, and phones cannot be used in the bedrooms.
I believe the reasoning is because of the cameras on the devices, which is fair. During the 2 days I had to stay in the emergency room, I was not allowed
my phone or laptop. I only had the TV which was actually broken at the time and only had 10 channels.

Overall, if you are considering going to a psychiatric hospital due to your mental health or any other reasons, I highly recommend it.